A pen plotter drawing by using Geometry nodes in blender.This work was be shown in Study UK Alumni Awards ceremony in France
Apr 2023
Blender geometry nodes
Pen plotter

This short 2d animation which is drawn by the plotter is another ending option for the game.In our previous Visual Novel Game (a form odigital semi-interactive fiction, combine a textua narrative with static or animated illustrations and a varying degree of interactivity ),we discusse th ostensible perfection of the virtual idol's world and the complexities of human relationships,either as projected on digital platforms or IRL (in
real life).

Design process
This work is a derivative of the game's ending, to enhance and enrich the game's plot. In this ending, despite being lost in the virtual world, the
girl doesn't choose to completely shut herself offrom the real world and descend into madness. Instead, she chooses to face reality again。